Karma::Output::Scrollpad - a field for information display.


        $sr = Scrollpad->at( $y, $x, $lines, $cols, \@data );
        while ( $sr->become_interactive ne 'r' ) {}


Objects of class Scrollpad are used to present the user with scrollable text regions, well suited for viewing lists, such as emails and file contents.

As you can see in the example, the at() method takes coordinates for the region as its first arguments and an array reference to the initial fill data as its last.

Upon calling become_interactive() the user will be able to tool around within the field until such time that she happens to press a key other than up, down, left, or right. When this occurs, the key pressed will be returned to the caller so that action may be taken on its value.

The caller can, at any time, effect the field directly with the up, down, left, right, and refill methods.